Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Darkest Corners of the Night

It has been a while since I have seen the darkest corners of the night.  I am some what of a night owl.  But I usually try to make a resonable time for sleep.  But the past few days sleep eludes me. And I have seen those shadowy corners of the night.  I have felt there stealthy fingers reaching out to me.  As I try to drift off to dream land they are there sometimes genlty shaking sometimes rattling me back to the restlessness that drapes me like a shroud.

It has been a while since I have felt this restlessness.  This uncontrollable need forward....move....
staty still.....retreat.....charge forward..............

I do not know what this is still in the will not reveal itself.....not yet

I just know my eyes are heavy. my body is tired. my mind is fragmented

Right now, I am I tired of these dark corners of the night.................

This waiting for something to show itself, this emptiness needs to end..................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lovely wording