Sunday, June 17, 2012

It is deep in the night

It is deep in the night when I wake up from a deep sleep for no reason, that the fears come.
They come fast and they come hard.
It is deep in the night when I worry about everything I tell me myself during the day will be alright.
It is deep in the night when every pain in my body feels ten times worse then it is.
It is deep in the night when I think that pain is something more serious then it is.
It is deep in the night when I think of my own mortality.
It is deep in the night when I feel oh so scared, so frightened of what is to come.
It is deep in the night when I think where is the strength going to come from to get me through something else.
It is deep in the night when I think what else could happen or go wrong.
It is deep in the night when I miss those who are gone the most.
 It is deep in the night when I so desperately need to hear another human voice.
It is deep in the night when I feel just how alone I am in this world.
It is deep in the night when I think I just can't go on anymore.
It is deep in the night when I miss the how it feels to be held.
It is deep in the night when I need to be loved and made love to
It is deep in the night when I need to love someone and make love to
It is deep in the night when I miss someone saying to me "I need you"
It is deep in the night when I miss someone saying to me "I love you"
It is deep in the night when I cry now
It is deep in the night when I wish someone could hear me cry and reach out to me and say "everything will be alright"
It is deep in the night when I wonder if everything will ever be alright again.
It is deep in the night when I face all of these fears and more.  I face them head on.  I let them wash over me.
It is deep in the night when I embrace these fears.
It is deep in the night when I let these fears know they have no hold over me.  Not now.
But it is deep in the night that I let them come.  That I give them room to breathe.  For if they stay locked up they will become too powerful.  And I won't give them that power.
It is deep in the night.
And the deep of the night is just the hours between night and day.

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